Senior Respite

The Senior Respite Program is for those over the age of 55 and is the primary caregiver for a relative's child. Respite is essential to mental, physical, and economic wellness of "second time" parents. We can help them meet the challenge of parenting by offering up to 16 per month of childcare at no cost to those in our program. That is time they can take for themselves. When a caregiver is rested and relaxed it allows them to provide the best care. We offer the opportunity to rest and regroup for caretakers who are responsible for young children. Our program is open to anyone 55+ caring for relatives' child(ren) with proof of custody. Our program is available by appointment only, we additionally offer a monthly support group and fun programs for seniors only.
This program also helps with:
- Infant & Child Needs
- Clothing & Items for Child(ren)
- Classes & Education
- Food Pantry
- Community Referrals
- and More!

Funded by a grant from the Nevada Division for Aging Services and Relatives as Parents Program. (RAPP)